"Illustrator" is a software that I had never used. By practicing drawing those patterns, I found that use this sofware is really fun!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
At first, I think about many ideas. But finally I choose the glasses box. Because when we buy glasses, we can also get a glasses box from the store. But the boxes there are always ugly. So I think of making a glasses box by the papper cutting pattern, it might be beauty.
Those are the patterns that I want to use. They are birds that symbolize lucky and the coming of spring. The two patterns on the left eill be using on the glasses, and the right pattern will be cut on my box.
The first project of basic design this semester is to choose a pattern of traditional papper cutting, turn it from 2D to 3D and make a new product. At the first step, I had some research from websites and found some products that interested me.
Cuckoo Forest Clock咕咕鐘
格林童話中的森林總是充滿奇幻與驚喜,這個 "只見其影" 的森林咕咕鐘,更是神祕的令人忍不住想一探究竟!不銹鋼烤漆材質,輕脆的鳥明伴隨著流水聲在每個整點報時,同時在報時鳥的下方白點處設有光線感應,在夜晚或無光線時就會聰明的停止報時,讓你一夜好眠喔。
Lumen Oil Lamp I樹影油燈
憑著對光影變化的鑽研,藝術家 Adam Frank 設計了這組迷人的油燈,經酸蝕處理後的精緻圖案透過溫暖柔和的光線投影在牆上,細膩的剪影就像是把自然景象帶進室內,隨著燭光的閃爍顫動,大樹也就跟著搖曳了起來。
安全的不銹鋼油燈瓶身,底座加上塑料底座,貼心的設計不會刮傷桌面,每組油燈並附上兩罐 17 小時的液態蠟油罐 (由美國品牌 Hollowick 生產 無煙無味,特殊安全蓋孔設計,通過美國工業生產標準)。
對 Contraforma 團隊來說,突破創新是他們的使命,而創作更是世界上最迷人的工作。他們的成員各有專長,包含室內設計師、產品設計師以及建築師。他們分別在各自不同的專業領域中,開發尋找不同的創作靈感與素材,所創作出的產品自然融合了經過各種思維考量後所呈現出的特質與優點。
Romance 系列是這個年輕品牌相當受到各界好評的產品之一。精確的花影切割與多種豐富變化的色彩,讓單純的一張茶几亦充滿光影色澤變幻的奇妙有趣
Romance 系列是這個年輕品牌相當受到各界好評的產品之一。精確的花影切割與多種豐富變化的色彩,讓單純的一張茶几亦充滿光影色澤變幻的奇妙有趣
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